writer / director

night walk

hollywood boulevard


late chilly night in february we were walking down hollywood boulevard.

i question his sparkly eyes more than the mud stained stars on the ground.

passing vine, heading west.

it’s not like what i imagined, he said

looking around as if he could find 

something more shiny than himself.

i smiled but trying not to let it shows.

it’s too late now, only food trucks are still here.

a bright blue car raced east passed us in a light speed.

his hair flew up and 

i don’t think this night could get any more magical.

people sing about walking down the boulevard

and i never thought it would mean so much decadence.

he said meaninglessly while

i get a sip from my bottled water to not look too impressed.

we walk 5 blocks further and i never felt so foreign in this city of fallen angels. 

this is the most quiet hollywood experience i have

i said to him.

and even when i hate it so much around here,

passing the abandoned fries on marilyn monrol’s name

and crushed beer can next to jacki chan’s,

i would miss the night when things don’t feel worldly.

my minds were at home 

and his curious eyes were the songs

i want to keep on hearing.


© Bo Nawacharee